Beet salad


Two weeks ago I was asked to consider guiding a 55 year old woman who took Dutch lessons in the Digital Home of the local library. She was very much present in the group, always shouted that it was too difficult and asked for a lot of attention. During the conversation with her it became clear to me that she had had no education in Sudan where she was born. She told me passionately  about the war in her country.  With a lot of help from a volunteer I was able to get her name, address and date of birth added to the intake report. As soon as she encountered a question or assignment which she found complicated she’d throw her arms up in the air and exclaimed it was too DIFFICULT.  To express her frustration she’d push my arm. Oops, what to do? Together with a colleague I gave a recommendation: working with Diglin+ and alpha material in order to learn how to write and to read. When I arrived a week later I was greeted enthusiastically by the 55 year old woman. Her regular volunteer was very pleased with the paper material. I  started working with the Sudanese lady using Diglin. After logging in, she heard the words and the sounds and recognized all of the pictures. A big smile on her face! Her best response was to the sound of BEET. She saw the picture, heard the word, looked at me and called out: BEET SALAD! Aha! She recognized her favorite dish. During this session she didn’t say once it was DIFFICULT. She beamed while working behind the computer and thanked me a thousend times afterwards.

Baukje Abma

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2 gedachten over “Beet salad

  1. Goedemiddag !
    Ik ben eigenlijk op zoek naar iemand die iets meer weer over de site
    Ik gebruikte hem veel tot voor kort om NT2 cursisten de Nederlandse klank-tekenkoppeling te laten oefenen, maar ik krijg, na ingelogd te zijn, niet meer de oefeningen in beeld zoals vroeger ? Wat is er veranderd en hoe kan ik de site weer gebruiken, want ik ben erg enthousiast dat ik deze site als extra manier kan inzetten om de juiste klanken aan te leren. Kunt U dit bericht doormailen als ik mijn vraag niet aan de juiste persoon stel

    1. Marina,

      Er zijn technische problemen met de oude Diglin omgeving. We zullen een deel gaan terugzetten maar niet alles. Ook omdat we met een nieuwe omgeving bezig zijn. Diglin+. Die is hier te vinden:

      Er zit geen spraakherkenning bij maar hij is veel uitgebreider dan de oude Diglin omgeving. Ook alle klank-tekenkoppeling oefeningen zitten er in.

      Ik hoor graag hoe het bevalt!


      Jan Deutekom

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